Tuesday, December 21, 2010


BelidaThe characteristics
Medium-sized, maximum length of 100 cm and weight of an average 0.5 to 1 kg, the original nature can reach 2-4 kg. Flattened body shape with a small head and at the nape of her neck looks bent. Maxilla located far behind the eye. Body covered with small scales. Scales on the back while in the gray silvery white belly. On the sides there is a white circle as black balls, each surrounded by a white circle. With advancing age body ornaments Belida fish will disappear by itself and be replaced by blackish stripes, the reproductive system of this fish with spawn. Is a freshwater fish that are predators or prey and nocturnal (active at night). During the day usually hiding among the vegetation. The food of the children fish and shrimp. Not infrequently larger prey. Belida male fish in charge of making a nest made of twigs and leaves, also keep the eggs and their children. Belida fish can breathe air from the atmosphere. This carnivorous fish lives at depths of 2-3 meters in dark places. When the river overflowed, they got into the swamp to mate and release her eggs there.

Taxonomy: Isospondyli, Interest Notopterridae

Habitat: large rivers and areas that often flooded. In low-lying areas no more than 30 m above sea level.

Distribution: Sumatra, Java and Kalimantan

Population: Rare!

Conservation Efforts:
Swimming, Aquarium and Keramba.

Where Mancingnya
In the children's great rivers, the former sand quarry, lake, marsh flooding.

Whenever Mancingnya
Tonight, this fish is nocturnal (active at night)

Effective Fishing Methods
Fishing glosor / base with live shrimp bait / child fish / frog

light standard equipment, class 1 kg.
Typical penyambar and when hooked up directly to the root bahar ngaciiiir in the water to decide kenur. so it should be anticipated quickly for kenur not stuck.

Not protected by law ... sigh

Can be Eaten?
Could you, but if there is other food fish these fish should be off (Release) Honestly, considering the population is an increasingly rare especially with the mushrooming of Stores Pempek.

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